next-slicezone Deprecation Guide


next-slicezone, a package used to render Slice Zones and fetch content in Next.js apps, is deprecated. Its functionalities have been redistributed to two other packages:

In addition, we’ve created a new package, @prismicio/next, to help with previews in Next.js apps.

next-slicezone exports two functions, useGetStaticPaths() and useGetStaticProps(), and one React component, <SliceZone>. The functionality provided by the functions is now provided by methods from @prismicio/client. The <SliceZone> component has moved to @prismicio/react.

Does your project rely on prismic-reactjs?

prismic-reactjs has been replaced by @prismicio/react. To learn how to upgrade, see the migration guide.

Update packages in package.json

Remove next-slicezone from your package.json:

    "dependencies": {


Ensure your package.json has @prismicio/client and @prismicio/react. We also recommend configuring previews with @prismicio/next.

    "dependencies": {
     "@prismicio/client": "^6.0.0",
     "@prismicio/react": "^2.0.2",
     "@prismicio/next": "0.1.0",

Update your installed packages by running npm in your terminal:

npm install

Update sm.json

In the sm.json file you will have to specify that you are using the latest version of these kits, this is done with the attribute: "framework": "next". Projects updating Slice Machine but keeping the older kits will specify previousNext.

  "apiEndpoint": "",
  "libraries": [
  "_latest": "0.3.0",
  "localSliceSimulatorURL": "http://localhost:3000/slice-simulator",
  "framework": "next"

Handle breaking changes

Change SliceZone imports

The <SliceZone> component is now provided by @prismicio/react instead of next-slicezone. Change the package name to import <SliceZone> from @prismicio/react:


 import { SliceZone } from '@prismicio/react'

Be sure to import <SliceZone> as a named import, not a default import.

Ensure you update the component import in your Slice Simulator page, if you have one (likely at /page/slice-simulator.js).

Replace <SliceZone>'s resolver prop with components

<SliceZone> now has slightly different props. The resolver prop is deprecated. You can remove it:

  import * as Slices from "../slices"

  const Page = (props) => (


Create a components object that maps your Slice API IDs to their components, and pass the object to the <SliceZone>'s components prop:

  import * as Slices from "../slices";

 const components = {
   text_block: Slices.TextBlock,
   image_gallery: Slices.ImageGallery,
   hero_image: Slices.HeroImage

  const Page = (props) => (

Alternatively, if you're using slice-machine-ui v0.3.0 or later, Slice Machine will generate this object for you:


 import { components } from '../slices'

  const Page = (props) => (

Remove useGetStaticPaths() and useGetStaticProps()

In next-slicezone, useGetStaticPaths() is used to implement a page’s getStaticPaths() function:

export const getStaticPaths = useGetStaticPaths({
  client: Client(),
  type: 'page',
  // ...

Replace useGetStaticPaths() with the getAllByType() method from @prismicio/client inside getStaticPaths():

export async function getStaticPaths() {
  const documents = await client.getAllByType('page')

  return {
    paths: => {
      return { params: { uid: doc.uid }, locale: doc.lang }
    fallback: false,

Ensure you’re using @prismicio/client version 6

@prismicio/client version 6 was recently released. It includes a collection of get-all methods to use in place of next-slicezone's useGetStaticPaths(). Ensure you are using @prismicio/client version 6. If not, follow the migration guide to upgrade.

New features

If you upgrade from @prismicio/client v5 and prismic-reactjs v1, those package upgrades bring many new features. Be sure to check out their migration guides for more information. Of note:

  • With the new <SliceZone> from @prismicio/react, you can now pass default props to components.
  • Replacing next-slicezone with @prismicio/client allows for greater flexibility in querying for content.
  • By adding @prismicio/next, you'll be able to configure previews.

See the technical references for @prismicio/react, @prismicio/client, and @prismicio/next for more information, or read our guide to using Prismic with Next.js.

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